The Blessing of God's Delegated Authority

Class One

"How we respond to the authorities in our lives is going to shape our world eventually."

In part one of this course, Pastor James Nichols uses Romans 13:1-4, along with other scriptures to answer the following:
- What does God say about authority?
- What are the definitions of authority?
- What is the purpose of authority?  
- How are we to respond to God's authority?
- How does being under authority offer protection?  
- Are unbelief and disobedience connected?

Recommended Reading: "Undercover by" John Bevere

James Nichols

The Blessing of God's Delegated Authority

Class Two

In part two of this course, Pastor James Nichols uses multiple scriptures to answer the following:  

- How does disobedience give the enemy access to our lives?  
- How can we have the faith to obey God?
- Can we submit and not trust?
- What is meant by “lean not to your own understanding?”
- Is delayed obedience still obedience?
- How should we respond when authority is abused?

James Nichols

The Blessing of God's Delegated Authority

Class Three

In part three of this course, Pastor James Nichols discusses authority in the leaders in our lives. He uses multiple scriptures to answer the following:  

- What is delegated authority?
- Who appointed the authority over us?
- What are the differences between honor and respect?  
- Can God use bad leaders?  
- Are there Biblical examples of how to respond to bad leadership?
- When we oppose God’s appointed authority, are we really resisting God?
- Are our complaints against authority really against God?

James Nichols

The Process of God's Delegated Authority

Class Four

In part four of this course, Pastor James Nichols discusses authority within the family and the Church. He uses Ephesians 5 along with other scriptures to answer the following:  

- What are the differences between obedience, and submission?
- How can we submit when we don’t agree?
- How does submission provide protection?
- Do we submit or obey if the authority is going against God?  
- Can we receive from someone if we do not honor them?  
- What do we do if we believe a leader is wrong?
- We change those in authority on our knees, not our words.

James Nichols